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NCAA Compliance

Know the Rules!

The Cornell University Athletics Compliance Office works to educate student-athletes, coaches, administrators, faculty, staff and boosters about the basic requirements and guidelines to follow to keep the Big Red NCAA compliant. This page is a quick reference to important compliance-related topics. With this in mind, it is not intended to be comprehensive; questions should be directed to Amy Foster, Director of Compliance, in the Cornell Athletics Compliance Office or another member of the compliance staff. If you have a question or concern, ask first. Please don’t put the Team and University in jeopardy.

NCAA Principles for Conduct of Intercollegiate Athletics

General Overview

Over the years, thousands of NCAA rules have been written. Each rule is developed to advance one of the NCAA’s 16 basic guiding principles: The Principles for Conduct of Intercollegiate Athletics. These principles include: Institutional Control and Responsibility, Student-Athlete Welfare, Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct, Sound Academic Standards, Nondiscrimination, Rules Compliance, Amateurism, Eligibility, Financial Aide, Economy of Athletics Program Operation, among others.

Institutional Control

The Principle of Institutional Control and Responsibility (referred to as institutional control) is the principle on which compliance with all other principles, rules and regulations depends. This principle defines each school’s responsibility to monitor compliance with NCAA rules and is the foundation upon which every NCAA institution’s compliance program is built. Each institution is responsible for the actions of its staff members and the actions of any other individual engaged in activities promoting the athletics interests of the institution.

It is the responsibility of each member institution to control their intercollegiate athletics program in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Association. The institution’s chief executive officer is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the athletics program, including approval of the budget and audit of all expenditures. The institution’s responsibility for the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics program includes responsibility for the actions of its staff members and for the actions of any other individual or organization engaged in activities promoting the athletics interests of the institution.

For more information regarding NCAA Compliance, please consult the Cornell Athletics Compliance web site here.