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Tag: "Ivy League"

Coach Schafer and the IVY League

Hello Everyone: January 6, 2021 … Since March we have all had to watch COVID-19 destroy lives, businesses, and families. It has wreaked havoc on people’s plans, work and schooling. Having to tell our ...

A Message from Andy Noel

Ithaca, NY 11/13/2020 11:30:00 AM Last evening the Ivy League Presidents announced that the pause on athletics competition will continue through winter as the global COVID-19 pandemic has worsened. The earliest any of our ...

Ivy League … No Fall Sports this season

Ivy League Outlines Intercollegiate Athletics Plans; No Competition In Fall Semester 7/8/2020 5:45:00 PM PRINCETON, N.J. — Amidst continuing health and safety concerns due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Ivy League Council of ...